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Santa Ana, El Salvador
I´m angry but i can get along with you jeje The best description about me can be given just by my friends the persons who know me very well!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hi everybody! As I told you, today I had to work with the PDP framework in a reading.
I wrote my agenda on the board.
I brought the objective printed to the class but there is something that I always forget; to read the objective, I just paste it on the board and then I start with the greeting!!

As warm up I brought a “body matching” game and the students really liked it because they were laughing. You know this game is really nice because the students have to match the parts of the body that you mention without splitting the previous parts that are already matched, so the student that splits up is out of the game.

Making predictions: I wrote the title of the reading at the top of the board (well, until where I could reach jeje), also I pasted a drawing that I drew and ask the students for ideas that came to their minds about the title and the picture. They didn´t say too much, then I gave them a sheet of paper in which they had to write some questions and vocabulary they think the following text will answer.
Groupwork: for grouping them I gave them a card with different colors and they had to look for the people with the same color card and get together. I gave them some strip sentences and I wrote the words on the board so they had to match the words from the board with the strip sentences. After some time I asked them to read aloud the words and the meaning in order to check the answers.
Fill in the blank: They had to read and fill in the blank with the words they were matching in the previous activity.
Checking predictions: They read about “carbon and ecological footprint”. They had to check if their predictions were ok. Then, I asked for volunteers to read. After they finished reading I asked them to repeat some words I listened were mispronounced during they were reading.
Making a slogan; they continue working in the same group. I gave them some recycle sheets of paper, markers and colors. They had to draw a drawing to represent both footprints (carbon and ecological). They had to think about the difference between both and write down some tips or suggestions to reduce carbon and ecological footprint. At the beginning of this activity I thought they wouldn´t like it because they had to draw and color but they did a good job and I noticed they enjoyed it.
Gallery show: the students pasted their drawings on the wall and I asked them to imagine we were at a gallery and we would be visiting different art works and there would be a representative of each art to explain what it means. They did it great even the time was almost off. They gave great explanations about their drawings and good tips to reduce both footprints.  
Mmm I didn´t like that today they were like rebels maybe because they were coming from a grammar quiz. Also most of them arrived late to class. Also I didn´t like that I couldn´t deal with the time; I took 12 minutes more than the set up L but it is difficult because the students are not going to follow exactly what you say, they need to have chance to laugh or ask things to their friends so all those details steal part of the teacher´s time. And I didn´t like that I timed them and when the time was over they hadn´t even started to work on what I had asked them for and for me was difficult to pass the next activity because one depends from the other one so I couldn´t tell them STOP and continue with the next activity. It would be an incomplete work.
I liked the students showed a different attitude at the end of the lesson (gallery show), they showed that they understood the reading. It gave me confidence because I thought I wouldn´t achieve my objectives because of their attitude, but it was all the opposite.
Work with timing!!! The performance of the class depends from the good management of the time.  So people in this opportunity I would like to have some strategies to make the students work at the time given and to stop them without interrupting their learning at that moment and without leaving an incomplete activity. 

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